Thank you for your interest in sponsoring a family this Christmas through The Haley Rasco Foundation

This year we are partnering with 5 Houston area hospitals to identify childhood cancer families who could use extra love during the holiday season. We then match each of these families with a generous individual or business who sponsor Christmas gifts for each child in the family.

Before signing up, please review the following guidelines:

  • Gifts are purchased for each child, plus a gift card for each parents

  • You will be sent the wish lists for each child in the family by Wednesday, November 22nd.

  • We recommend spending $50-75 per child & a $25 gift card for parents

  • Parent gift cards can be from Walmart, Target, HEB or Amazon

  • Items do NOT need to be gift wrapped, but should be labeled with the child's initials and age (we recommend using painter's tape, washi tape, or a post-it note with child's initials - anything we can easily identify and then remove before wrapping and adding a gift tag)

  • All items are due by Friday, December 1st (we will be on contact to arrange delivery once your family is assigned)

Please contact Brittany Ishmael at with any questions.